CID, a stalwart in Indian television, began its successful run in 1998 as a long-standing police procedural show. However, recent statements from the ‘CID’ team suggest that the iconic series was allegedly ‘forced to die’ despite its nearly two-decade-long success.”
It boasts over 1500 episodes, garnering a massive fan following.
Despite concluding its successful 21-year run in 2018, the show, featuring renowned celebrities like Dayanand Shetty, Shivaji Satam, and Aditya Srivastava, continues to hold a special place in the hearts of viewers. Fans eagerly anticipate the possibility of a new season, reflecting the enduring popularity of this iconic series.
Dayanand Shetty feels CID was sabotaged by the channel due to internal politics
Actor Dayanand Shetty, who portrayed Inspector Daya in ‘CID,’ recently revealed to YouTuber Laksh Maheshwari why the long-running show came to an end. Surprisingly, Shetty alleged that the channel sabotaged the show, citing internal politics as the reason.
In an analogy, the actor likened the show’s demise to killing trees with asafetida, implying a deliberate act. He claimed the channel began canceling episodes since 2016 and alleged strained relations between the channel and ‘CID’ producers, suggesting a desire to oust them.
Dinesh Phadnis passes away in December 2023
"Inquisitive mind, ink-stained fingers, and a heart set on uncovering stories. Navigating the labyrinth of words as a journalism student, weaving narratives...