Malayalam cinema is enjoying an unprecedented surge in 2024, with box office collections hitting record highs and audiences flocking to theaters. From February to May alone, the industry amassed Rs 600 crore, its highest ever for such a period. This remarkable success is attributed to a string of hits, including “Premalu,” “Manjummel Boys,” “Aadujeevitham—The Goat Life,” and the latest sensation, “Guruvayoorambala Nadayil” starring Prithviraj Sukumaran. This period has marked a turning point for Malayalam cinema, which is now making waves not just in Kerala but across India and internationally.
Malayalam Cinema: Breaking Box Office Records in 2024
Malayalam films have been dominating the Indian box office in 2024, a feat highlighted by film trade analyst Sreedhar Pillai. Starting with “Premalu” in February and followed by major releases like “Manjummel Boys” and “Aadujeevitham—The Goat Life,” these films have collectively brought in Rs 500 crore. Prithviraj Sukumaran’s “Guruvayoorambala Nadayil” is the latest to join this list, drawing full houses even in cities like Mumbai, where it received minimal promotion. Film trade expert Girish Johar observed that Malayalam content is resonating deeply with audiences, outshining other regional and Bollywood films in popularity and box office performance.
April 2024 marked a historic milestone for Malayalam cinema, becoming the highest-grossing language in India for that month with a 35 percent share of the total box office revenue. Fahadh Faasil’s “Aavesham” and the comedy drama “Varshangalkku Shesham” were pivotal in achieving this success. “Aavesham” emerged as the top-grossing film of April, the second time this year that a Malayalam film led the box office—a first since Ormax Media began its monthly reports in July 2022. Along with “Manjummel Boys” and “Aadujeevitham—The Goat Life,” “Aavesham” also crossed the Rs 100 crore milestone domestically, underscoring an extraordinary year for the industry.
Several factors are fueling the exceptional performance of Malayalam films in 2024. One significant reason is the current lack of pan-India hits and the underperformance of Bollywood films, creating an opportunity for Malayalam cinema to shine. Multiplex chains like PVR Inox have been instrumental in pushing these films due to their need for quality content. However, the primary driver is the fresh and innovative storytelling that characterizes Malayalam films. Unlike other film industries that rely heavily on star power, Malayalam cinema focuses on diverse, experimental plots, strong performances, and nuanced storytelling, which resonate well with audiences.
Bijli, the Executive Director of PVR Inox Limited, emphasized the appeal of Malayalam cinema‘s detailed and intricate storytelling. Streaming platforms have also played a crucial role in breaking language barriers, helping films like “Drishyam” gain widespread popularity and paving the way for new releases to attract larger audiences in theaters. This increased visibility and traction have extended beyond Kerala, with Tamil Nadu becoming the second-largest market and notable gains in Hindi-speaking regions. Films like “Manjummel Boys” and “Aadujeevitham” have enjoyed extended runs outside their traditional markets, further boosting their success.
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Moreover, dubbing films in multiple languages has broadened the audience base. “Aadujeevitham—The Goat Life,” for example, was dubbed in several languages, making it accessible to a wider audience across India. These efforts have significantly enhanced the reach and performance of Malayalam movies.
Malayalam Cinema’s International Success
The international market has also played a crucial role in the booming success of Malayalam cinema in 2024. Regions like the Gulf and the US have shown high traction for these films. The industry is on track to reach Rs 1,000 crore in worldwide business by the end of May, with 57 percent of these collections coming from the top blockbusters—”Manjummel Boys,” “Aadujeevitham—The Goat Life,” and “Aavesham.”
The momentum for Malayalam cinema shows no signs of slowing down. With innovative storytelling, strategic market expansion, and strong performances, the industry is set for continued growth and success throughout 2024 and beyond. This golden era of Malayalam cinema is a testament to the power of quality content and its universal appeal, transcending regional boundaries and captivating audiences worldwide.