In the absence of Rishabh Pant, who suffered a near-fatal car accident on December 30, India has faced setbacks, losing four out of the ten Test matches played in the last year. Fans eagerly await his return in the 2024 IPL, as Pant undergoes a series of surgeries, operations, and healing processes during his rehabilitation journey. Despite progress, there is still work ahead for the talented wicketkeeper-batter.
Pant opens up
Following his harrowing road accident in December 2022 near Roorkee, Uttarakhand, Indian wicketkeeper-batter Rishabh Pant shares the profound realization that crossed his mind. Enduring a ligament tear in his right knee and two cuts on his forehead, the 26-year-old has been sidelined from competitive cricket since.
“For the first time in my life, I felt like my time in this world was up. Throughout the accident, I was conscious of the injuries, but I consider myself lucky as it could have been far more serious. It felt as if someone had intervened to save me,” Pant revealed. Curious about his recovery timeline, he inquired with the doctor, who estimated a 16-18 month recuperation period. Determined to expedite the process, Pant resolved to put in the hard work needed to shorten his recovery time.